
Letter from the Principal

Welcome to Mount St. Mary Academy!

Welcome to our vibrant community that fosters academic excellence, spiritual growth, and a lifelong love of learning. Here at Mount St. Mary Academy, we celebrate diversity and embrace the unique talents of each student.

A Community of Care
From the moment you step onto our campus, you'll be met with a sense of kindness and compassion. Our dedicated faculty and staff are passionate about supporting each Mountie, helping her to reach her full potential. We believe in building strong relationships and creating a safe space where students are compelled to try something new. 

Developing the Leaders of Tomorrow
We prepare our young women for success in a rapidly changing world. Our curriculum emphasizes critical thinking, collaboration, and communication skills. Students engage in active learning experiences, like class discussions and team projects, that hone their ability to work together and solve problems creatively.

Nurturing The Whole Student
We go beyond academics, creating a safe space for students to nurture their mind, body, and spirit.  We want them to be confident, passionate individuals who stand up for what they believe in. We draw inspiration from our Catholic faith and the stories of brave women from all traditions throughout history.

A Place to Discover Your Passion
Mount St. Mary Academy provides a platform for students to explore their passions. Whether it's entrepreneurship, robotics, science, fine arts, service, or something else entirely, we encourage them to delve deep and pursue their dreams. In an all-girls environment, Mount St. Mary's fosters a unique space where girls feel empowered to take risks, discover their voices, and become courageous leaders who will change the world.

Join Our Courageous Community
We invite you to become part of our extraordinary community. Here, you'll find a place where you are valued, supported, and challenged to grow. Together, we can create a world where young women can make a difference.

We look forward to welcoming you to Mount St. Mary Academy!


Katherine Spillman 
Principal, Mount St. Mary Academy

Mount St. Mary Academy

3756 Delaware Ave.
Kenmore, NY 14217
(716) 877-1358
Mount St. Mary Academy, founded by the Sisters of St. Mary of Namur, is a Catholic, private, college preparatory school for young women. Within a nurturing and academically challenging and inclusive environment, the Academy strives to develop the whole person’s gifts and potential. Guided by our Catholic tradition, and rooted in Gospel values, we empower scholars to be leaders dedicated to lifelong learning, moral integrity, social justice, and service to and inclusion of others.